Saturday, April 26, 2008

Islam Everyday

Islam in today's world is an omnipresent religion. Muslims are everywhere, present in every country and established their own (at least) organization or committee for solidarity among muslims and some countries even has established a common Islamic government, in which most of the laws is basically the syaria. This we can see in countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

That's basically it.

The Muslim world today need a sort of renaissance, practically to the level in which 15th century European Renaissance started, and this period sees the downfall of many muslim empires, kingdoms and sultanates, along with decline in trade between Islamic establishments at that time and the world in general. In fact, European Renaissance marks the decline of Islamic glory just about everywhere. The only surviving Islamic power at that time is the Turkic Ottoman Empire, regarded by many as the last muslim Caliphate in the world.

To achieve this Renaissance, the muslims in today's world MUST increase their knowledge and their economy MUST be strong, in which in today's world is just exactly the opposite. Muslim countries have the highest poverty rates (Central Asia) and knowledge is basically restricted to religious studies. Which is surprising, as we all know, Rasulullah s.a.w said "Seek knowledge, even if you have to travel to China." There's no Islamic studies can be found in China during 7th century AD, so this can be implied that Rasulullah saw is appealing to muslims to study secular knowledge, not just religious studies. Thus we have Ibnu Sina, Al-Razi, Al-Idrisi and many other scholars in which their knowledge surpasses that of their counterparts in Europe. What we see today, alas, is just the exact opposite. Opprtunists in the west gladly exploits this void of secular knowledge and they're fast to label muslims as "backward" and "7th century mindset". This we must change.

1.5 billion people in this world actually call Islam as their religion, which basically makes Islam the 2nd largest religion, nest to Christianity. But what we lack is economic solidarity. Rich muslim countries are very reluctant to help other poor muslim countries, like Gulf States refusing to siphon aid to Libya or Kazakhstan, even though these countries are Islamic countries and has a valid Islamic government. Economic solidarity and reduction of dependency to the west must happen, else Islamic countries are forever at the beck and call of their western counterparts. Muslims must develop their economy to a level that can rival other non-muslim economies, as muslims has a large market of 1.5 billion people and have the economic expertise. Economy can be a powerful tool to help fend against western Imperialism.

Thus, muslims MUST change themselves.


ahmad said... comment..truskan usaha berjaya dgn cemerlang....salam

ahmad said...

salam..thanx for the's true right....keep on your dakwah.salam